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Prekių sąrašas pagal prekės ženklą Bank of Greece IETA (Graikija)

The Banknote Printing Works of the Bank of Greece (IETA), based in Holargos (currently part of the Municipality of Halandri, Attica), was set up by a decision of the Bank's General Council dated 7 June 1938 and its original purpose was to print banknotes (paper bills) for the Bank, as well as government securities.
The IETA building complex was completed in 1941, and the first printing machinery was bought and installed there that same year.

Operations effectively started after the end of World War II, with the production of the 1947 1,000 drachma banknote (Series IV) and of cheques and other securities for the Bank and the Greek government.

Since 1971, when the Ministry of finance entrusted the Bank of Greece with the production of legal tender and commemorative coins, the IETA facilities have also housed the National Mint. The National Mint was organised in line with Western European standards and was equipped with state-of-the-art machinery for the manufacturing of coin dies and the striking of legal tender coins, commemorative and collectors' coins, medals, etc.
The production of coins effectively started in 1972.

By a decision of the Bank's General Council dated 12 January 1972, the Banknote Printing Works was incorporated as a separate Department (IETA Department) into the organisational structure of the Bank of Greece; this status is maintained to this day.

341 Messogeion Ave.
15231 Halandri (Athens)
Tel.: (+30) 210 6170400
Fax: (+30) 210 6725977
E-mail: [email protected]

Rodoma 1-24 iš 43 elementų


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Aukso ir sidabro kaina

Informacija atnaujinta 2025-02-17 14:50

Aukso kaina biržoje yra 89.04 EUR už gramą arba 2769.52 EUR/ oz. Pokytis per paskutines 24 val. sudarė +0.82%

Sidabro kaina biržoje yra 1.00 EUR už gramą arba 30.95 EUR/ oz. Pokytis per paskutines 24 val. sudarė +0.91%

Investicinių luitų bei monetų pardavimo ir supirkimo kainos nuolat kinta kartu su atitinkamo metalo rinkos kaina. Ši kaina nustatoma pagal pagrindinių tauriųjų metalų biržų on-line kotiruočių vidurkį.

Informacija apie aukso ir sidabro kainų pasikeitimus pateikiama mūsų informacinėje svetainėje bei atitinkamai.

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